Production Blog: Even More Troubles

     Hello bloggers, and welcome back to another episode of "Trying but Miserably Failing to Align our Schedules." This month has come so quickly and is already halfway through in the blink of an eye. All my groups talk about getting ourselves together and filming as soon as possible has quickly turned about and went downhill. At first, we had plans for filming at the beginning of the week, then of course work got in the way. We then tried to reschedule for the middle of the week, but with those of us being involved in the school's dance team, it was hard to work around that as well. As the week went on the school's tech week for drama started up. I am personally part of the stage and tech crew for my school's play Cinderella, and if you aren't familiar with tech week, it usually lasts until nine o'clock at night every day for a week leading up to the show. It's amazing that it had to be this week right!

    Putting the sarcasm and misfortunes aside, we had a solid plan to do start filming at the end of the week. We had this plan set and discussed and I really thought it was going to work this time. However, the universe again had other plans for our group. We originally planned to film at Marissa and Mackena's dad's house, but they didn't know until the last minute that they weren't going to be at their dad's house on that day, so last minute our plans were canceled. All of this planning and canceling so late into the month was really starting to stress me out. I even offered to cancel my weekly piano lessons to make time to film, but that still didn't make our schedules work for everyone. We agreed on a day the next week when we don't have school, that way everyone should be free. We initially wanted to do it on a Thursday as our next option, but Marissa works on Thursdays. We then offered a day on the weekend but Riley was working all weekend. 

    We then eventually settled on that no-school day and set the time for later in the day since Mackena said she had plans earlier in the day. I had plans later on that day, but at this point, I was really starting to panic, so I decided to cancel them since I felt like this was going to be our earliest chance to get started. While we were texting and deciding all this, Marissa was at work, which made it a bit hard to have everyone focused on our conversation, but we eventually got it done.

    I'm a little anxious about our film day now, I hope all goes well and it actually comes together.


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