Production Blog: Filming With the Male Character
On our third film day, we had finally gotten a male for the boyfriend role! The person who played the role’s name was C on nor, and I've had a few c on versations with him before as he is one of my best friend’s friends. However, Marissa and Ma c kena are mu c h better friends with him than I am, so it was their efforts that got him on board. We had a lot of s c enes to get done today be c ause C on nor was only available for a single day of filming and would not be able to return. As with every filming day, transportation is always an issue for me . We all had initially planned to film right after school like we had done the last time, but this time it was the day before filming , I was at school, and I still did not have a ride to or from t he location planned. I had assumed that Marissa could take me like she had done in the past, but in the middle of the school day I got a text from her saying that her car only fit...